Model Municipalities

Municipalities are of special importance for the practical implementation of activities on the ground. The European Green Belt Association awards model municipalities as “Model municipality of the European Green Belt” every year. It is assigned to municipalities with outstanding commitment for the European Green Belt as outlined in the criteria for selection.
A maximum of one municipality per year and region (Fennoscandia, Baltic, Central and Balkan) may be awarded as “Model municipality of the European Green Belt”. The respective Regional Coordinator may suggest municipalities or may accept proposals.
The Regional Coordinator examines the proposals according to the undermentioned criteria and informs the Board of the European Green Belt Association of the intention to grant the award. The Board of the European Green Belt Association approves the assignment of the award and the Regional Coordinator implements the actual awarding.
In 2015 the award was presented for the first time to the municipality of Haidmühle in Germany. In 2017 the municipality Leopoldschlag in Austria was awarded. In 2018 the first municipality was awarded at the Balkan Green Belt, the municipality of Peja in Kosovo.
The award does not imply any financial support.