BESTbelt funds a total of 49 projects along the European Green Belt. These projects are implemented by local organisations and promote a wide range of activities including biodiversity conservation, nature restoration, awareness raising, community empowerment, education and promotion of green job opportunities - all core pillars of the European Green Belt vision. The funded projects are spread across the four regions of the European Green Belt: the Fennoscandian, Baltic, Central European and Balkan Green Belt.
The 1st BESTbelt Call for Proposals, launched in 2022, funded 11 projects, all of which were completed by the end of October 2024. The 2nd BESTbelt Call for Proposals, launched in 2023, funds 17 projects, including six transboundary projects with strong cross-border cooperation. The latest and final 3rd BESTbelt Call for Proposals was launched in 2024 and provides funds to 21 projects, 7 of them transboundary projects.
Of all the projects in all three BESTbelt Calls, 36 projects are regular projects, and 13 projects have transboundary focus. Projects have been and are being implemented in 21 countries involving around 80 different organisations.
You can delve deeper into the content and navigate through all the projects along the European Green Belt on the map below!
Color code Projects in one country: green // Transboundary projects: blue

List of all 49 BESTbelt projects
Detailed list of BESTbelt projects
List of funded projects - 1st call
Download (435 KB)List of funded projects - 2nd call
Download (195 KB)List of funded projects - 3rd call
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