BEE-BIO-NET: Blooming landscapes for wild bees and other pollinators in the Marchfeld region in Austria

The project is implemented by the Bienenzentrum Wien from December 2023 to October 2025.

Flowering area planted with regional wildflower seeds. © Christiane Aschauer


The Marchfeld region is one of the most intensively used agricultural areas in Austria. At the same time, small nature reserves in the region provide habitats for numerous and rare wild bee species. Due to changes in land use, they are affected by a strong decline in species richness. This richness needs to be supported by increasing floral resources, especially as the European Green Belt forms the eastern border of the Marchfeld.



The project aims to have a sustainable impact on wild bee biodiversity, ecological connectivity, and environmental education in the Marchfeld region, and to promote increased collaboration and cooperation. Objectives include the creation of 2.5 ha of perennial wildflower biotopes, the initiation of a regional stakeholder network, skills acquisition and awareness raising among different target groups.




The project aims to reach its objectives by:

  • Improving conditions for flower-visiting insects through biodiverse flowering areas.
  • Engaging farmers, municipalities, and regional initiatives.
  • Initiating a collaborative network to extend the impact of the project.
  • Carrying out participatory local awareness-raising events.
  • Provide practical training on the establishment, management and importance of regional wildflower areas.
A wild bee (Andrena hattorfiana), visiting Malva. © Sylvia Wanzenböck

Expected Results

The project will create 2.5 ha of species-rich, regional wildflower areas. In addition, a network of stakeholders will be established to support wild bees and regional wildflower ecotypes and improve collaboration. Besides that, the project will have provided capacity building for individuals, e.g. through a training and networking event for farmers, landowners and land managers (20 participants) or a public education event (25 participants).

BESTbelt project poster


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BEE-BIO-NET: Blooming landscapes for wild bees

The project is implemented in the municipalities “Weiden an der March”, “Marchegg” and “Engelhartstetten” in the Marchfeld region, Austria

Nearest city: Bratislava


Project lead: Bienenzentrum Wien (BIEZEN)
Hörnesgasse 1/8, 1030 Wien, Austria

Grant: 39.970,68 €

Duration: 23 months

Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Lisa Steiner lisa(at)




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