Calls for Proposals

BESTbelt aims at unlocking the local potential along the European Green Belt by providing financial resources and consultation on how to effectively implement actions. With the BESTbelt Calls for Proposals, local stakeholders have the opportunity to implement activities to protect, restore and sustainably use natural resources along the European Green Belt.

BESTbelt calls are organised in two steps. First, applicants submit a concept note of their projects. If project drafts are successful, applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal with more details on project plan, partner structure, budget, etc.

The Full Proposal stage of the 3rd BESTbelt Call is ongoing!

The 3rd Call for Proposals received 96 Concept Note applications. After the Board decision, 38 proposals were selected and invited to enter the second stage of the call. Successful applicants were invited to participate in the Full Proposal stage based on their interesting Concept Notes. To further support applicants on their applications, BESTbelt organized a webinar and offered individual feedback to applicants. 

All documents were made available on the website, togehter with relevant information. The deadline to hand in Full Proposals under the 3rd BESTbelt Call for Proposals was 24th June 2024 (23:59:59 CET). Now, the evaluations of full proposals are taking place. The decision on funding new BESTbelt projects will be taken in September 2024.

2nd BESTbelt Call (2023) closed

The 2nd BESTbelt Call closed on 3 July 2023. It resulted in the funding of seventeen projects. Relevant documents of this call are available for download here:

1st BESTbelt Call (2022) closed

The 1st BESTbelt Call closed on 25 July 2022. It resulted in the funding of eleven projects. Relevant documents of the 1st Call are available for download here:


Contact details

For more information, contact the BESTbelt Office via email: bestbelt(at)