On this page, you find various ressources available on the European Green Belt.
Products of the European Green Belt Community
- Downloads
- Videos
What do others say about the European Green Belt?
- Podcast on the European Green Belt - Listen how the Iron Curtain turned green
- YouTube series on the European Green Belt by filmmaker Alice Whitehouse
Products of the European Green Belt community - Downloads
Leaflet "European Green Belt"
Download (1,000 KB)Brochure European Green Belt Initiative (published 2013)
Download (3 MB)Poster European Green Belt
Download (6 MB)Report "Comprehensive analysis of the potential of sustainable jobs along the European Green Belt and its valorisation"
Download (2 MB)"Haven of Nature" - Joint book project (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and South Korean Gyeonggi Province)
Download (9 MB)Declaration for a peaceful, ecological, and united Europe
Download (117 KB)Regulations hoto compitition "NATURE AND COLD WAR. Evolving environments along the former Iron Curtain"
Download (395 KB)Products of the European Green Belt community - Videos
National park Šumava, leading partner in the ongoing LIFE for MIRES project, produced an informative and entertaining video for forestry students about the renaturations measures to support mires and wetlands along the Green Belt. The trans-boundary LIFE for MIRES project is conducted by several partners from Czech Republic and Germany. More information on the project webpage (English, Czech and German):
What do others say about the European Green Belt?
Series about the European Green Belt by filmmaker Alice Whitehouse (2024)
In her five-part documentary series about the former Iron Curtain, the young filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer Alice Whitehouse brings you closer to the European Green Belt. The National Geographic funded series takes us along the Baltic coast, and Scandinavia to the shores of the Adriatic and Black Seas and reveals how the former Iron Curtain transitioned into a “lifeline” that offers precious habitats for often rare and endangered species.
Watch the documentary series on YouTube by clicking here.
Podcast on the European Green Belt - Listen how the Iron Curtain turned green (2019)
How did the concept of the European Green Belt evolve and how successful has it been? BBC reporter Tom Heap takes you to fascinating places and people who are active to conserve the precious places along the European Green Belt. The beauty of the landscapes is highlighted, but so are serious challenges that hamper conservation efforts along this powerful symbol of a wildlife haven.
The BBC documentary was created within the framework of the press trip "30 Years Breakdown of the Iron Curtain", financed within the EU-funded project "DaRe to Connect" (Interreg Danube Transnational Programme):