Tallinn Wood Key Habitat Trail invites schools to visit
A new trail combines information boards along the way with a virtual trail and a learning game to attract also younger generations to learn about the value of old-growth forests in the middle of the Estonian capital.
Tournament for schoolchildren about the European Green Belt
The Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation is partnering with The Caringers to tour 7 cities around the European Green Belt, teaching local schoolchildren about natural beauty and testing their knowledge through a specially designed digital cooperative game.
Putting education before entertainment
The final workshop of the BESTbelt project "Sustainable Water-based Sport Solutions" highlights the importance of effective communication between project implementers and local stakeholders. Based on the workshops and boating safety training, stakeholders expressed a desire to gain further knowledge.
A new beginning for Orlovo Selište: Opening the river arm to revive ecosystems!
Want to know how to improve the ecological conditions of Europe's largest contiguous floodplain forests? Read more about how the LIFE RESTORE for MDD project is reconnecting a branch of the River Drava to restore the natural flow of water.
YOUTH WITHOUT BORDERS FOR NATURE AND CLIMATE: international youth camp across Italy and Slovenia
Get ready for an amazing experience: Join an international youth camp from 23 - 27 May 2025 in the Julian Alps Transboundary Area with other people of your age!
The online application is open!
Explore the European Green Belt and BESTbelt projects on two new maps!
We’re excited to present two new maps on the European Green Belt and BESTbelt websites! The maps will help you navigate through the BESTbelt projects and along the European Green Belt.
World Wetland Day 2025: Walk in the Ramsar site along the Mur river
On this year's World Wetlands Day, 2 February 2025, a partnership of local and European stakeholders is organising a walk along the River Mur, a Ramsar site. Join the walk, show your commitment to the protection of important wetlands and enjoy the beautiful nature of the region!
The European Green Belt Association and BESTbelt in Brussels!
The European Green Belt Association Chair and BESTbelt grantees presented the European Green Belt and BESTbelt key results at an event in Brussels to members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and others interested in the topic.
General Assembly of the European Green Belt Association met in Latvia and elected new Board!
The General Assembly of the European Green Belt Association met during the BESTbelt Pan-European Conference 2024 in Latvia, which provided a good backdrop for the exchange of key issues around the European Green Belt. A new Board was also elected.
All good things come in threes! Projects from the 3rd BESTbelt Call for Proposals are kicking off!
The 3rd Call for Proposals received an incredibly high number of a total of 96 Concept Note applications. 38 of these were then invited to develop a Full Concept in the second stage of the call. In the end, 21 Full Proposals were selected for funding. Some of the 21 new projects already started last month in October!