
Next level for the training on European Green Belt Youth Work Camps

In the frame of BESTbelt, an intensive training on the implementation of European Green Belt Youth Work Camps will take place in February 2024.


Go on a journey along the European Green Belt - with the new documentary by broadcaster ARTE

Drinking traditional mushroom tea in a yurt in Latvia, seeing history with one’s own eyes by visiting old remnants of submarines and war infrastructure in small peaceful villages at the Estonian coast, following the tracks of the elusive lynx in the German Bavarian Forest national park or learning about field research on pollinator diversity in Serbia.


Wetlands and their rich nature constitute a great privilege we all need to protect

Engaged citizens, Biology teachers, eco-friendly tour companies and environmentalists gathered at “The Terziev House'' in Topolovgrad, Bulgaria, to learn more about the importance of micro wetlands for biodiversity and community well-being in their local areas, which are part of the European Green Belt.


One more chapter of BESTbelt is starting!

The 2nd BESTbelt Call for Proposals received almost 100 applications from various organisations spreading along the European Green Belt. Now, the evaluation and selection of submissions are concluded. 17 new projects will officially start in the next months.


Learn more about how European Green Belt Youth Work Camps can support your conservation actions on the ground

In the frame of BESTbelt two trainings on the implementation of European Green Belt Youth Work Camps take place in early 2024.


The mountainous village of Stregna in Italy is model municipality of the Central European Green Belt 2023

A small and scattered mountainous community on the Italian-Slovenian border distinguished itself along the European Green Belt territory through an enduring vision and commitment to environmental protection, sustainable development, and the preservation of centuries-old traditions.


First steps taken to enhance the quality of hotspots for biodiversity, livestock and people in Topolovgrad Municipality

Two public water fountains, known as cheshma in Bulgaria, were restored near the village of Oreshnik in Topolovgrad by craftsmen with traditional knowledge. After the water returned to the long dried out cheshma, micro wetlands reappeared in the nearby area, creating wonderful conditions for the biodiversity of the area.


Time to harvest the initial fruits of the 1st BESTbelt Call!

Project information are online for the first BESTbelt-funded projects! Since end 2022, 11 great and exciting projects have derived from the 1st BESTbelt Call and are bearing initial fruits. Projects can be explored now online.


“ReCo”-Team on Tour – Finding solutions to enhance the European Green Belt

Within the project “ReCo – Restore to Connect” 12 partner organisations belonging to six countries from Poland to Italy join forces to identify and use the potentials along the EGB in order to contribute to coming EU Restoration Law.


Young eco-champions shine during European Green Belt Days in Stara Planina, Serbia

Young children from Kalna and Knjazevac schools made our European Green Belt Day memorable, learning waste management and environmental protection, leaving us all inspired!
