Potential for Green Jobs

Potential for green jobs along the European Green Belt
Since 2021, the BESTbelt project aims at unlocking local potential and strengthening local capacities in countries along the European Green Belt. A key project goal is to foster regional employment opportunities and promote green jobs in the conservation and sustainability sector.
The European Green Belt - an opportunity for green jobs
The European Green Belt is characterized by a great number of natural treasures. Despite their ecological and cultural value, many areas along the European Green Belt are facing poor socio-economic conditions with insufficient employment. Moreover, an adequate valorisation of habitats and their ecosystem services in financial terms is often missing.
As a starting point for further action a comprehensive analysis of the potential of sustainable jobs along the European Green Belt was undertaken in the years 2022 and 2023. The “Comprehensive analysis of the potential of sustainable jobs along the European Green Belt and its valorisation”, produced by Trinomics, assessed the status quo, current opportunities, future potential, and practical recommendations on how to promote the creation of green jobs along the European Green Belt.
First results
First findings show that the development and continuation of sustainable tourism and nature tourism has the potential to create green jobs in the regions along the European Green Belt. Beyond that, expanding protected areas or so far rarely implemented habitat restoration measures along the European Green Belt are an important tool to improve ecological connectivity and to create sustainable and green jobs likewise. In addition, restoration can help to mitigate and adapt to climate change, reduce risks of natural disasters, purify air and water and deliver freshwater. The agricultural and forestry sectors as well as related industries can also offer green jobs.
In 2024, a best practice process will be starting in Bulgaria. As part of this process, examples of the potential of green jobs will be presented to local stakeholders and decision makers in three different rural areas. Main findings and recommendations will presented to ministries and other important stakeholders on national and EU level. The results can serve as a basis for future dialogues on green jobs in Bulgaria and in other regions of the European Green Belt.
Read the full report and learn about best practices, future potential, and starting points to initiate green jobs along the European Green Belt!