Central Europe

The Central European Green Belt – Diversity of landscapes

River Soca in Triglav National Park (Slovenia)
River Soča in Triglav National Park (Slovenia) © Juergen Schmidl

The Central European Green Belt crosses a variety of cultural landscapes, some of which are intensively used by agriculture. It passes the Bohemian massif with its well-wooded transboundary national parks such as the Bavarian Forest/Šumava, and follows the courses of near-natural rivers such as in the floodplains of the Mura and Drava. After passing through the long mountain ridge of the Karavanke Mountains and the Julian Alps, the Green Belt ends in the Adriatic Sea.

In the intensively used cultural landscape of Central Europe, the Green Belt is a last retreat and structural element for many endangered species. It forms a bridging element between grassland fallow and wetlands, between dry grassland and stands of mature woodland.

Thanks to EU funding and support from the adjoining countries on the regional and national levels, the stakeholders along the Green Belt have been engaged in implementing two multinational projects. The projects’ main aims are to protect the Green Belt as an ecological corridor and memorial landscape, to develop transboundary cooperation, and to promote sustainable regional development.



Interview with the European Green Belt Initiative on the Central European Green Belt (Czech Republic, Austria, Germany)

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Interview with the European Green Belt Initiative on the Central European Green Belt (Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy)

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