Become a member
We appreciate your interest in becoming a member of the European Green Belt network!
The European Green Belt Association welcomes new members. The main requirement for membership is a commitment to the European Green Belt. All members share and support a common vision and the objectives of the European Green Belt Association as set out in its statutes.
According to the statutes, membership in the European Green Belt Association is open in particular to legal persons (e.g. non-governmental organizations or foundations) and state institutions. The new member is assigned to at least one of the four regional divisions according to the place of residence or registered office.
Membership fees are determined according to the size and the financial capacity of each member and are outlined in the Membership Fee Concept, which provides more details on the different membership categories.
If you would like to join the European Green Belt Association e.V. please contact us.
The application of each new member will be approved by the Board of the European Green Belt Association after prior consultation with all members of the Association.