“ReCo”-Team on Tour – Finding solutions to enhance the European Green Belt
Within the project “ReCo – Restore to Connect” 12 partner organisations belonging to six countries from Poland to Italy join forces to identify and use the potentials along the EGB in order to contribute to coming EU Restoration Law.
Young eco-champions shine during European Green Belt Days in Stara Planina, Serbia
Young children from Kalna and Knjazevac schools made our European Green Belt Day memorable, learning waste management and environmental protection, leaving us all inspired!
Watch out! EGB Days are being celebrated from 18th to 24th September 2023
Every year the European Green Belt Days are being celebrated during the period of 18 to 24 of September. This year won’t be different and here are some examples of events that are taking place along the European Green Belt, hopefully close to you!
European Parliament Member delighted to see success in transnational cooperation for the protection of mires and wetlands
Deep in the European Green Belt between Germany and Czech Republic the BUND Department Green Belt introduced Jutta Paulus to mire and wetland restoration projects, and the close cooperation of BUND with the Šumava National Park.
Belty the German Green Belt Mascot visits the Bavarian Horticultural Show and discovers fresh new European Green Belt materials for kids
Sunday, 30.07.2023: Belty was very busy with visiting the Green Belt information booth of BUND with interesting materials about the EGB and participating at a mascot parade.
Green-Belt-Camps 2023: working together for nature!
The commitment of volunteers is decisive for the protection of the European Green Belt on many occasions. Therefore, the Austrian League for Nature Conservation (Naturschutzbund Österreich) invites nature enthusiasts to the Green Belt Camps again this year. Starting on 9 September for a fortnight, participants can get actively involved in the conservation of biodiversity.
The rehabilitation of grey dune habitats in Latvia continues
The restoration of grey dunes is one of the main priorities for the protection of coastal species and habitats. As part of a BESTbelt-funded project precious grey dunes at the Baltic Green Belt are maintained in good ecological quality.
Call for EU young journalists/writers open until 10th August
Blue Notte Gorizia is looking for young journalists/writers to be involved in a study visit in Gorizia (Italy) and Nova Gorica (Slovenia), along the former Iron Curtain. Exploring natural heritage is one of the focus.
Deadline for the 2nd BESTbelt call for proposals is around the corner!
Successful concept note applicants will submit their full proposals for projects within the European Green Belt until the 3rd of July 2023.
BESTbelt goes in the second round: 2nd Call for proposals open
You want to support the development of the European Green Belt as Europe’s longest green network? Then BESTbelt might be what you are looking for – the 2nd BESTbelt Call for proposals is now open.