Eco-tourism solutions for small rural entrepreneurs along the European Green Belt

The project was implemented by the Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association from November 2022 to October 2023.

You can find more information about the project, a database of eco-tourism providers, created manuals, hints and advises for travelers on (only available in Lithuanian). 

A restored ethnographic homestead from the end of the 19th century. Currently, this place provides accomodation and educations for travellers. © Sodyba Ėvė


Communities want to embrace ecotourism but lack the know-how to create or transform sustainable businesses. Similarly, some tourists lack the knowledge to travel responsibly. Our project has worked diligently with both groups, sparking change toward a more sustainable tourism landscape.



Through innovative ecotourism products, we can conserve precious natural resources while stimulating local economic growth. By equipping tourism entrepreneurs with knowledge and methods for ecotourism development, we have strengthened local capacity and inspired young people to return to their communities. By supporting their efforts, we have encouraged travelers to make environmentally conscious travel and service choices.



By improving environmental education and raising awareness, we unlocked the true potential of Lithuania's Green Belt as an ecotourism destination. To achieve this, we held four workshops to train local entrepreneurs in developing ecotourism offers. We also launched a publicity campaign showing how tourists can travel in an eco-friendly way.

Live discussion about ecotourism. © Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association

Achieved results

We strengthened ecotourism, we empowered service providers through training and mentoring, ensuring they are well equipped and confident in their sustainable efforts. Through our efforts, we revolutionized not only the mindset of local entrepreneurs, but also the choices of travelers, steering them toward a more sustainable path. 

Eco-tourism solutions for the small rural entrepreneurs along EGB in Lithuania

The project was implemented in the regions Šilutė, Palanga and Šventoji.

Nearest city: Klaipėda


Project lead: Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association
K. Donelaičio str. 2-201, LT-44213
Kaunas, Lithuania

Grant: 39.774,04 €

Duration: 12 months

Contact person for the BESTbelt project: Kotryna Kabašinskaitė info(at)


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