Belty the German Green Belt Mascot visits the Bavarian Horticultural Show and discovers fresh new European Green Belt materials for kids
Sunday, 30.07.2023: Belty was very busy with visiting the Green Belt information booth of BUND with interesting materials about the EGB and participating at a mascot parade.

Horticultural shows in the German Federal States have a long tradition and generally gather numerous visitors. They are valuable instruments to establish park areas and green zones in cities, to increase life quality in the long run. This is particularly important since nature conservation and environmental education became bigger issues recently. In 2023, the Bavarian Horticultural Show was implemented in Freyung – a small city near the Germany-Czech Republic Green Belt. BUND then decided to take this unique opportunity to inform about the European Green Belt during the event.
BUND’s information booth is equipped with a huge map of the EGB showing important species printed on a truck tarp. Many activities are offered to the public, like a quiz and a large marble run that stretches along depicted EGB countries. Also, a range of ludic materials have been developed for children – and Belty the German Green Belt Mascot is the leading character. For example, a colouring book with iconic species from Fennoscandia up to the Balkans and a species booklet with species and habitats of the Green Belt in the region are shown. Belty visited the show for a parade and was fascinated to confirm that many children (and adults) are interested in these materials!
The booth of the BUND at the Bavarian Horticultural Show (Landesgartenschau Freyung 2023) can be still visited until 03.10.2023 and is run continuously by the regional group of BUND Freyung-Grafenau.
BUND/FoE Germany, BUND Department Green Belt
Stefan Entner, stefan.entner(at)
Bavarian Horticultural Show 2023: