BESTbelt First call for proposals
Connect and protect - more power for the European Green Belt. The launch of the BESTbelt calls for proposals provides new opportunities.

Connecting and protecting unique landscapes throughout Europe by empowering local stakeholders is the focus of the new BESTbelt pilot project. In the framework of the European Green Belt (EGB), BESTbelt provides not only funding for conservation projects and sustainable development but also training and guidance on project management.
To unlock the local potential across the 24 countries along the EGB, the European Commission is providing 1.5 million Euro over the next four years. The European Parliament – on initiative of the Members oft he European Parliament Jutta Paulus and Nicolae Ștefănuță – established the idea of promoting a new project in the framework of the EGB with long-term, sustainable perspectives for local actors.
One of the main elements of BESTbelt is a small grant scheme. 800,000 Euros will be available for two calls for proposals. Applicants are invited to apply for funding in the fields of biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable development. Applications have to be submitted via email to the BESTbelt Office (bestbelt(at) until 11 April 2022.