Invitation to Webinar: BEST Belt calling – your proposals for the European Green Belt!
Members of the European Parliament together with the European Green Belt Association invite you to a public webinar to introduce the idea behind the new pilot project.

To unlock the local potential across the 24 countries along the EGB, the European Commission is providing 1.5 million Euro over the next four years. Based on the positive experience of the EU BEST Initiative, the European Parliament – on initiative of the MEPs Jutta Paulus and Nicolae Ștefănuță – established the idea of promoting a new project in the framework of the EGB with long-term, sustainable perspectives for local actors.
Since 22 February 2022 the first call for proposals was launched, which will end on 11 April. To promote this call for proposals, Members of the European Parliament Jutta Paulus and Nicolae Ștefănuță together with the European Green Belt Association as well as EuroNatur invite you to a public webinar to introduce the idea behind the new pilot project.
After a short introduction from the responsible MEPs we will hear further contributions from the European Commission (Ben Caspar/Karin Zaunberger, DG-Environment/Biodiversity Unit) who will explain aspects of the project in the context of the European Biodiversity Strategy.
Last but not least, the European Green Belt Association (Gabriel Schwaderer, Executive Director of EuroNatur and Chair of the European Green Belt Association) will tell us more about the modalities of the first call for proposals.
Then it is your turn to discuss with us. Come and join us for this webinar and tell us your ideas for the European Green Belt!
Register here: