BESTbelt full proposal applicants get ready for the final hurdle
Connecting and protecting unique landscapes throughout Europe by empowering local stakeholders: BESTbelt provides not only funding for conservation projects and sustainable development along the European Green Belt but also training and guidance on project management. The first BESTbelt Call for proposals was successfully launched in February 2022.

Until the deadline in April 2022 67 interesting concept notes were submitted from all four regions. After a first evaluation phase, 21 applicants were invited to submit a full proposal.
On 6-7 July 2022, all 21 remaining applicants were invited to join a two-day webinar hosted by the BESTbelt project team. The interactive webinar not only provided participants with important information on the relevant documents for the full proposal, but also with the opportunity to ask questions and exemplary test approaches for structuring projects in group work. It was also a welcome chance to connect with other organisations from the entire European Green Belt.
The project team was enthusiastic about the high level of participation and motivation of the participants and is looking forward to the full proposals which must be submitted until 25 July 2022. A final result and selection of funded projects can be expected by the end of September 2022.