BESTbelt goes in the second round: 2nd Call for proposals open
You want to support the development of the European Green Belt as Europe’s longest green network? Then BESTbelt might be what you are looking for – the 2nd BESTbelt Call for proposals is now open.

Unlocking the potential for peaceful cooperation along the former Iron Curtain and the protection and sustainable use of the unique continuity of natural habitats which span the length of the European continent is key to BESTbelt. Through connection beyond and despite borders we can preserve the natural habitats along the European Green Belt and allow biodiversity to be maintained.
To allow more such activities the European Commission is providing 3.49 million Euro for BESTbelt between 2022 and 2026. All this is possible thanks to the Members of the European Parliament Jutta Paulus and Nicolae Ștefănuță. One of the main elements of BESTbelt is a small grant scheme. 2,200,000 Euro will be available for three calls for proposals. BESTbelt supports projects with long-term, sustainable perspectives for local actors along the European Green Belt. Eleven projects were selected in the 1st Call and are being implemented.
Now the 2nd BESTbelt Call for Proposals is open. Applicants are invited to apply for funding in the fields of biodiversity conservation, connectivity, restoration and sustainable development. There is funding of up to 60,000 Euro provided for projects that include a specific transboundary aspect. Applications must to be submitted via email to the BESTbelt Office () until 06 March 2023.
All important dates, documents and information about BESTbelt are available on the BESTbelt website.