Birds that can easily be touched: An exhibition that brings people close to nature of the European Green Belt
This year, Green Balkans celebrated the European Green Belt Days in an unusual way with an amazing exhibition. At the opening of the event entitled “The Living Exhibition” Green Balkans and the Historical Museum Svilengrad made a connection between the Green Belt and some of its rare birds species.

Until 8th October life-size exhibitions of rare bird species can be visited in Bulgaria – illustrating the biodiversity of the European Green Belt. Being a suitable ambassador of the European Green Belt, the exhibition builds bridges between people and wildlife in an unusual way and shows something to remember for a lifetime. When you ask the children from the local clubs specilized in nature, about their impressions they would be very sincere and would say that the most amazing thing was to touch, observe, enjoy these colouful birds and no one was stressed.
The bird models have been hand-made by an art-desinger. It is hard to observe such beautiful birds so close in nature and to remember their typical colours without special equipment such as binoculas or an observation tube. “The Living Exhibition” is going to live in every visitors’ mind as there are no barriers in the visual perception or in the emotions. It shortens distances and brings the biodiversity closer to one another, especially to people who cannot travel or go to the species’ habitats.
It is planned that “The Living Exhibition” moves to several places on the European Green Belt to impress lots of people. They shall be encouraged to read more about the Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni), Eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca), (Eurasian) Black vulture (Aegypius monachus), Red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis) and the Sandwich tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis).
More info see: Green Balkans