Call for funding of large-scale nature conservation projects in Germany is open
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the German reunification, the federal states bordering the German Green Belt and the Federal Ministry for the Environment have declared that they intend, in dialogue with the stakeholders, to completely secure and if possible designate the German Green Belt as a National Natural Monument. In addition, they intend to strengthen the ecological network along the Green Belt, including the section on the German border with the Czech Republic.

The German Federal Ministry for Environment has also agreed to continue its extensive financial and conceptual support for the Green Belt. To this end, a separate call for funding for large-scale nature conservation projects (chance.natur – Bundesförderung Naturschutz) on the Green Belt opened on 21 September 2020. This call addresses the regions along the Inner-German Green Belt, the German Baltic Sea section of the Green Belt and the section bordering the Czech Republic as well as the former border around West-Berlin.
Large scale nature conservation projects serve to establish and secure parts of nature and landscape worthy of protection and of representative importance for the state as a whole. The federal funding for large-scale nature conservation projects has been existing for more than 40 years. From 1979 to mid-2020, 83 projects with a total area of around 3’700 km2 were funded with over 500 million euros. On average, the areas supported are about 4’600 hectares in size. Currently, 14 million euros are available annually for this program.
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