Getting to know the Green Belt - Učíme se Green Belt - Wir lernen das Grüne Band kennen
“In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we are taught.” This famous quote of Baba Dioum, a Senegalese forestry engineer, is the motto of a set of education activities targeted at pupils in the border region of Czech Republic and Germany (Bavaria).

Goal of a recently launched project is to strengthen the readiness to take on responsibility for the European Green Belt amongst primary school pupils through interactive learning. Important aspects are intuitive teaching elements, such as tactile reliefs, sculptures or expositions of extinct villages in the Czech border area. An innovative educational program will be developed for both German and Czech elementary school students. In addition an outdoor educational area will be created.
The educational program focuses on key aspects of European Green Belt such as history (Iron curtain), the development of natural biotopes, habitats of animals and plants, ecological network, human impact on nature, and nature conservation. The transboundary approach will facilitate a joint dialogue in the future and bring an extension within European integration.
The improvement of knowledge about the European Green Belt will be an important milestone for the further development of the whole area. The informed public will support sustainable development for current and future residents on both sides of the border.
The project “Getting to know the Green Belt” focuses on the municipalites of Tachov (Czech Republic) and Bärnau (Germany). The Czech - Bavarian project team of the Regional Education and Information Center from Tachov (REVIS) and the organization Via Carolina, e. V. from Bärnau will cooperate in all parts of the project (duration: April 2020-December 2022, funded by EU Interreg A-Programme Czech Republic-Germany/Bavaria).
For more information please contact: Alexandra Hrušková or Katerina Zajickova.