Getting together: EGB Days in the Šumava National Park
On Saturday 19th September 2020 a friendly collaborative meeting of representatives of Czech and Bavarian conservation CSOs came together in the transboundary protected area of the Šumava Natural Park and in the Bavarian Forest National Park to celebrate this year‘s European Green Belt Day. The aim: To strengthen mutual collaboration and skil-sharing between the participating CSOs.

In Kubova Huť village, right at the border to the Šumava Natural Park (NP), 13 participants from the Czech side of the border and the visitors from Germany expressed their gratitude for the mutual support of CSOs being active on both sides of the border. With willingness to collaborate further new topics have been discussed in their mission to protect the transboundary natural park.
A guided tour invited everyone to explore the Šumava NP and its magnificent meadows around the Černý Kříž settlement and the revitalized stream Hlučina. Following up on requests of attendees answers to various questions were given, for example about the ways of treating meadows and grasslands, protection of black grouses, water regime revitalization and protection of wolves.