Green Belt in Upper Austria: Water buffalos and other conservationists
In order to preserve the species-rich, open wet meadows on the Maltsch, water buffalos are grazing again after the winter break on the small river that borders the Czech Republic. Since a few weeks, the impressive animals are back on the pasture and can be visited. In summer, nature-enthusiasts can get into action there at the Green Belt Camp 2021!

The impressive buffalos can only be put on this marshy grassland thanks to their special hooves which prevent them from sinking in. At the same time, they also shape the terrain and create unique habitats. Rare grassland birds such as corncrake, red-backed shrike, whinchat and snipe find ideal conditions on the Maltsch meadows, as the wetlands maintain their open land character thanks to the grazing project. This is because the frugal ruminants eat what others often leave standing, namely reeds, rushes and sedges.
Green Belt Camp Maltsch/Malše
For the maintenance of nature conservation areas along the Green Belt, the Austrian League for Nature Conservation organizes international ‘Green Belt Camps’. Volunteers work at and for the Green Belt and learn a lot about flora and fauna. One of them will take place 5.-8. August at the Maltsch. Registry and more information here.
Maltsch: a pearl on the Green Belt
The Maltsch region with its 350 ha is part of the European network of protected areas Natura 2000. The Austrian League for Nature Conservation as National Focal Point and advocate for the European Green Belt implements small and large scale nature conservation projects to ensure that the unique ‘ribbon of life’ is preserved.
Further information about the special region at the Austrian-Czech boarder, the wetlands at the Maltsch and the water buffalo project: Wolfgang Sollberger, Natura 2000 - Green Belt Europe Info Center, Marktplatz 2, 4262 Leopoldschlag, Tel.: + 43 664 5143548,