IKARUS: Summer festival along the European Green Belt
IKARUS is a summer festival, which coordinates a full calendar of cultural and artistic events, excursions, dissemination activities, as well as best practice and adoption of innovation and communication technology in the cultural sector.

The IKARUS project is financed by the Italian Ministry of the cultural heritage and tourism. The lead partner is the Municipality of Stregna located in the core area of the EGB. It takes place from September to October 2021 in the historical villages of several municipalities along the eastern side of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and along the Slovenian border exactly in the EGB area.
The EGB is the common thread of the IKARUS project with the aim to highlight the land features: tradition, economic activity, skills, high natural value and still existing biodiversity level. These features are going to become the pillars of future integrated sustainable development goals for this border region.
The mission is the integration between the local culture and the artistic activities along the EGB in order to support the social and economic recovery post pandemic crisis. The Municipality of Stregna is located in the Friuli Venenzia Giulia Region and is as lead partner coordinates a broad partnership (50 organizations) representing both public and private bodies with strong local roots and often animated by the youth.
Contact details: Francesca Visintin, Associazione Rete Italiana European Green Belt APS, rete.italiana.egb(at)gmail.com
More info: https://www.ikarusfest.eu/