Lively as the European Green Belt: Our Re-Connect Forum 14 April 2021
To stay and keep in touch with each other remains one of the most valuable aspects of the European Green Belt Initiative. And in these difficult times we perceive it even more valuable to get re-connected on an emotional level. We met online to see and experience each other.

On 14 April, we entered the Zoom-Meeting with traditional music from each region of the European Green Belt (EGB) and excitedly observed who was joining the event. As diverse as the music in these first minutes was, the diverse were the beautiful cultures of the people that met each other again this very afternoon. The virtual room was filled with happy faces and curious looks as pictures from previous Pan-European Green Belt conferences were shown on the screen.
In three breakout group sessions we, over 50 people from the EGB Initiative, took the time to exchange our stories, views and wishes, guided by questions. In groups of three to five people we talked about how the ongoing pandemic situation has affected each in their organisation as well as specific challenges we are facing in our work for the EGB. Similar perceptions were raised, positive and negative. Lastly, we broadened our views and gathered ideas of how physical meetings in the future can be organised and designed. Lot`s of creative ideas came up, for example to increase the social and nature excursion parts in the events. We will follow up on these ideas and felt even more excited and inspired to meet each other in real life.