News from Latvia – a national park shows what it has to offer
In Latvia, the smallest among the four national parks, Slītere National Park, has great things to offer: A new exhibition dedicated to the Calidris waders.

Being part of the Baltic Green Belt and located in the Northern Kurzeme peninsula and washed by the Baltic Sea, Slitere National Park is known for its incredibly beautiful vista – courtesy of the sea, broadleaf forests, bogs, wetlands, boreal forests and swamps. Here, sea birds are one of many attractions. The main hero of a new exhibition is the curlew sandpiper, which migrates all the way from the Russian tundra to Africa! At the exhibition, fascinating facts about the curlew sandpiper and much more are to be found. Visitors can learn to recognize and differentiate among various Calidris species, learn interesting facts and enjoy beautiful bird drawings. So, if you are close by, this is your chance to visit this beautiful park!
The excibition has been prepared within the framwork of the INTERREG Central Baltic program project "Baltic wings" (CB663). It promotes the central Baltic area as a birding and nature tourism destination. The area is important for migrating birds, has great natural beauty and excellent birding opportunities in all seasons. Further details about the project:
For more information please contact Andra Ratkeviča,