The European Green Belt and BESTbelt in Brussels!
The BESTbelt project presented some of its key results at a Civil Society Dialogue in Brussels to members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and others interested in the topic.
The event, hosted by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Jutta Paulus (Greens/EFA) and Michael Wiezik (Renew Europe), took place on 10th December 2024 in the European Parliament in Brussels.
EuroNatur, in its role as Chair of the European Green Belt Association and as contractual partner of the EU in the EU-funded BESTbelt project, gave an introduction and shared an overarching perspective on the European Green Belt Initiative and key learnings on the governance of such a large-scale European initiative.
The introduction was followed by a very practical and tangible insights into three BESTbelt projects and their achievements on the ground - the development of a ‘Code of Conduct’ and sustainable tourism along the coast in Latvia, the transformation of Cold War bunkers into hibernation sites for endangered bats in Italy, and the conceptualisation of a long-distance hiking trail along the Balkan Green Belt in Bulgaria and partner countries). The positive feedback and enthusiasm for the European Green Belt was evident in the closing statements of Humberto Delgado Rosa, the Director for Biodiversity in DG ENV, and MEPs Jutta Paulus and Michal Wiezik, as well as other interested event participants.
The positive atmosphere and lively discussions during the event could pave the way for a follow-up after the BESTbelt project ends in 2026. But of course, given the current shift in political power in Europe, much work remains to be done to secure further funding for the protection of our continent's longest green network - the European Green Belt.
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