The Green Belt connects people in Finland and Russia
The Virolahti municipality, the southeastern-most municipality of Finland at the border of Russia, has been running an exciting two-year project aiming to connect people on the European Green Belt.

The core of the project, which started in May 2019, is to establish two modern Green Belt Information centers in Virolahti and its’ partner municipality Sovetsky on the Russian side and to strengthen travel business opportunities and surrounding networks. The centers will present natural destinations of Southeast Finland and Russia and function as info centers of nature-based tourism.
The construction of the new Green Belt Center on the Finnish side is in full swing. Design of the building was created in cooperation with Aalto University by talented architecture student Lotta Pakarinen. In her design project, she considered numerous criteria, not forgetting about sustainability, harmony with environment and functionality.
On the Russian side, the info point will be situated near the beautiful harbor of the Gulf of Finland and will provide valuable information especially for boating tourists.
We believe that the two centers will connect people in the cross-border region and create new opportunities for economic and social cooperation in the area of Green Belt of Fennoscandia.
The project is financed by South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020 programme.
Partners of the project are: Virolahti municipality (Lead partner, FIN), Leader Seprary (FIN), Metsähallitus, Parks and Wildlife Finland (FIN), Leningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RUS), Municipality of Sovetsky (RUS)
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