Watch out! EGB Days are being celebrated from 18th to 24th September 2023
Every year the European Green Belt Days are being celebrated during the period of 18 to 24 of September. This year won’t be different and here are some examples of events that are taking place along the European Green Belt, hopefully close to you!

During the European Green Belt Days (EGB Days) people from Northern to Southern Europe demonstrate with all their heart and strong commitment what the European Green Belt is about: an international peace and conservation project. Below are some examples of what will happen as part of the EGB Days this year:
Public Fair Shar-Korab-Koritnik
A transboundary fair takes place in Kukes (Albania) on Friday 22nd September. The team of EuroNatur, PPNEA, MES und CNVP Kosovo will present the latest successes of their work in the Shar-Korab-Koritnik Mountain range, which is one of the pearls along the Balkan Green Belt. From 2021 to 2023, they supported the implementation of 13 model projects in the region, focusing on sustainable development and nature protection in the fields of agriculture and tourism.
BESTbelt project events
Projects funded by BESTbelt (1st Call for Proposals) have planned activities during the EGB Days to promote their work and increase the visibility of the European Green Belt. For example, in Serbia, Citizen Association TEAM will organize an outdoor class for young children of Kalna to inform about their actions on waste management. In Latvia, Latvian Green Movement will inform the public about their effort to reduce eutrophication by alien species on grey dunes.
EGB Days and Harvesting Fair on Sakar Mountain
In the border region of Bulgaria and Turkey, Green Balkans and Back to Nature Youth and Sport Club Association, will organize a Harvesting Day in Bulgaria and a visit to the Harvesting Festival in Kırklareli, Turkey. Both actions are aimed at promoting the European Green Belt and raising awareness among locals about the cultural and natural importance of the European Green Belt.
EGB Days in Austria
Naturschutzbund Österreich has plenty of activities planned for the EGB Days in the next days (see here). Some examples are: an excursion in Hammern (Upper Austria), a hike in Deutschkreutz (Burgenland) and a traditional border-festival in Ferlach (Carinthia).
Probably, an EGB Days event will happen close to you. Take part in this important celebration of the European Green Belt! And if you are interested in taking part or organizing an EGB Days event, please contact us.
European Green Belt Association