Shar - Bistra - Korab - Koritnik mountain range

Names in the national language
Malet e Sharrit (Albania)
Шар Планина/Šar Planina (Serbia)
Шар Планина/Šar Planina (North Macedonia)
Mali i Bistres (Albania)
Бистра/Bistra (North Macedonia)
Mali i Korabit (Albania)
Голем Кораб/Golem Korab (North Macedonia)
Mali i Koritnikut (Albania)
Коритник/Koritnik (North Macedonia)
Location and short description
Shar Mountain is one of the largest and highest mountain ranges of the Balkan peninsula, stretching between the Prizren-Dukagjini and the Polog valleys in the border areas of North Macedonia and Kosovo. It is followed by the Bistra and Korab-Koritnik Mountains at the border between Albania and North Macedonia. The diversified mountain relief, high elevation difference and abundance of streams contribute to the diversity of habitats and species.
Special features
The mountain range has a high diversity of species and especially a high degree of endemism and rare plant species. The area is well known for its medicinal plants as well. The area of Dragash (Kosovo) is one of the largest high alpine pastures in Europe. In addition, Shar Mountain contains relic Bosnian pine forests. The area is distinguished by the high contrasts of the relief with typical alpine high peaks and deep valleys, gorges and sinkholes as well as thermal waters. Tito Vrv (2,747 m) in North Macedonia and Golem Korab (2,764 m) in Albania are two of the highest mountain peaks in the Balkans.
Main biotop types
Oak forests, Beech forest mixed with conifers, sub alpine and alpine pastures and meadows
- Mammals: Balkan lynx (Lynx lynx balcanicus), Brown bear (Ursus arctos), Grey wolf (Canis lupus), Balkan chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra balkanica), Long-fingered bat (Myotis capaccinii)
- Birds: Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), Rock partridge (Alectoris graeca), European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur)
- Plants: Yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea), Buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliate), Common horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), Mountain tea (Sideritis syriaca)
Status of protection
Korab-Koritnik Nature Park (Albania)
Sharri National Park (Kosovo)
National Park Mavrovo, Shar Mountain National Park (North Macedonia)
Shar - Bistra - Korab - Koritnik mountain range
National Agency of Protected Areas; RAPA Kukes - RAPA Diber (Albania)
Email: info(at)
Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency (KEPA) (Kosovo)
Directorate for Administration of NP Sharri (Kosovo)
Public Institution National Park Shar Mountain (North Macedonia)
Email: park(at)
National Park Mavrovo (North Macedonia)
Email: npmavrovo(at)
LAG Korab Koritnik (Albania)
Email: lag.korabkoritnik(at)
LAG Shari (Kosovo)
Email: lagsharri(at)
LAG Friends of Sharri (North Macedonia)
Email: kontakt(at)
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