Growing Together: Nature, Community, and the Future Take Root

On European Green Belt Day, 24 trees were planted in the small village Kalna, symbolizing unity in preserving natural and cultural heritage.
Background & Location
The celebration took place in Kalna, a gateway village to the National Park Stara Planina, situated at the Balkan Green Belt in Serbia. This stunning mountain range, known for its landscapes and rich biodiversity, serves as a vital ecological corridor. The event's location was strategically chosen near the main crossroads leading to a popular ski center, ensuring visibility to both locals and tourists. The picnic area offers a peaceful spot for relaxation. Kalna has a history of involvement in green initiatives, including the BESTbelt funded project “Old Mountain-New Practices”, highlighting its commitment to sustainable practices.
The main objective of the event was to raise awareness of the European Green Belt Initiative, which aims to preserve the unique biodiversity and cultural heritage along the 12,500 km stretch of the former Iron Curtain. By planting 24 trees, participants symbolised the unity of the 24 countries involved in the European Green Belt and reinforced their commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development. The event aimed to foster a stronger connection between the local community and their natural environment, encouraging long-term conservation efforts. The initiative also aimed to create a lasting symbol of conservation in the form of the future Stara Planina European Green Belt Park.
Approach & Results
To promote unity and spotlight the European Green Belt, the new Stara Planina European Green Belt Park in Kalna village was created. Designed as a welcoming spot for locals and tourists alike, the park offers a place to relax and learn about the European Green Belt’s mission. PUC Standard Knjaževac prepped the site with holes for 24 trees, symbolizing the 24 countries dedicated to preserving biodiversity along the European Green Belt. Together, 16 kids and 14 adults - including municipality representatives, teachers, and community members - planted the trees, linking the local effort to the international conservation movement.
A wooden info table now stands in the park, visually mapping the European Green Belt and sharing its environmental significance. Following the tree planting and park inauguration, participants celebrated with light refreshments, fostering a warm community spirit. The event marked the start of the Stara Planina European Green Belt Park—a vibrant symbol of unity, preservation, and sustainable growth.