BESTbelt full proposal applicants get ready for the final hurdle
Connecting and protecting unique landscapes throughout Europe by empowering local stakeholders: BESTbelt provides not only funding for conservation projects and sustainable development along the European Green Belt but also training and guidance on project management. The first BESTbelt Call for proposals was successfully launched in February 2022.
BBC series about the European Green Belt: Walking on the Iron Curtain
The BBC World Service produced three episodes about the European Green Belt. All episodes are available online after broadcast.
Volunteer Camp ‘Nature across borders’ 2022
You are interested in nature conservation and you are passionate about being outside in nature? You like working as a team and get to know new people with a similar lifestyle? Thayatal and Podyjí National Park in cooperation with SCI Austria are looking for motivated volunteers, which would like to do some nature conservation work from 04-18 September 2022. Apply until 31 May 2022!
For a peaceful, ecological, and united Europe
The European Green Belt is a vital symbol for the peaceful overcoming of a four-decade-long division of Europe.
Invitation to Webinar: BEST Belt calling – your proposals for the European Green Belt!
Members of the European Parliament together with the European Green Belt Association invite you to a public webinar to introduce the idea behind the new pilot project.
BESTbelt First call for proposals
Connect and protect - more power for the European Green Belt. The launch of the BESTbelt calls for proposals provides new opportunities.
A call to participate
Nearby a small German river, a class and his teacher started a project to demonstrate the journey of waste along the Danube to the Black Sea
European Green Belt Nature Culture Conservation Youth Camp organised in Turkey
As part of the European Green Belt Day events on September 20-21-22, young people from different regions of Turkey and experts from Bulgaria met in the forests of Strandja.
Albanian municipality on the Balkan Green Belt honoured with award
The small town of Kukës in northeastern Albania has been recognised as a Model Municipality of the European Green Belt. EuroNatur Executive Director Gabriel Schwaderer presented the award.
EU Pilot Project Strengthens Nature Conservation at the European Green Belt
On November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall came down – the beginning of the end of the Iron Curtain. 32 years later, the EU-funded project „BEST Belt“ aims to make it easier for local nature conservation organisations getting access to EU funds.